Horoscope Today, April 8, 2022: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction for Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius And Other Zodiac Signs on Friday

Horoscope Today, April 8, 2022: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction for Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius And Other Zodiac Signs on Friday

Horoscope Today, April 8, 2022: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction for Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius And Other Zodiac Signs on Friday

Read your predictions to know what the stars have in store for you today Jeet Roy

Ratul Sarkar
Calcutta | Published 08.04.22, 07:01 PM


Heightened intuition


This Friday your intuitions will be at their peak. This cosmic climate can also cause you to pick up on feelings of those around you. This may leave you emotionally drained or too tired to engage in balanced communication with those around you. Remember to maintain boundaries. Some of you may receive some news regarding finances or home life. Your luck will shine around bright colours, like vermillion this Friday. Planet Mars rules your sign, numbers 1, 8 and letters A, L, E will be your guide.


Opportunities arise

Some of you may receive some opportunities arising from the healthy social connections that you have been maintaining. Friday’s cosmic climate could also provide you with healing, especially when it comes to former romance, giving you a chance to make peace with any unresolved issues lingering in your psyche. Planet Venus is the ruler of your zodiac sign, hence wear subtle colours like Sangria for luck. You will be guided by numbers 2 and 7, and letters B, V, U this Friday.


Manifesting career opportunities

It is a good day to express your desires when it comes to your career aspirations. Friday’s cosmic aura is ideal for believing in yourself and fighting for your dream job. Make sure to put your hopes and dreams on the line, even if it is only quietly to the universe. Today, you may also shake any feelings of unworthiness that may have held you back. It is important that you look for ways to boost your confidence and lift yourself up. Colours like deep purple will be good for you as planet Mercury rules your zodiac sign. Letters K, C and G, and numbers 3, 6 will be lucky for you this Friday.


Emotional rollercoaster

Today your emotions may undergo a high and a low. Friday’s cosmic climate may leave you feeling undeserving at work or dissatisfied in your career. You will have a chance to shake off this feeling if you reach out to your close friend or partner for some cheering up, which will help you find your center and gratitude once more. Moon is your ruling planet hence, wear a salmon shade colour this Friday for luck. Alphabets like H, D, and number 4 will bring you all the guidance you need.


Do not lose faith

Even though the present situation may leave your faith in optimism wavering, keep holding on. Look for ways to tap into your gratitude. Some of you may also opt to indulge in distractions at work that can help pull you out of this feeling. Plan a fun outing with your colleagues or classmates to lift your spirits. Your lucky colour this Friday will be golden, as Sun rules your sign, while alphabets M, T and number 5 will support you in your endeavours.


Receive your blessings

For those of you, who have been manifesting a better future, Friday’s cosmic climate may bring some happy news. It is also a good time to communicate with the universe while keeping your attention for synchronicities and signs from the spiritual realm. Try to avoid tense discussions with family or friends, or you could end up losing sleep over the situation. Your lucky colour for this Friday is shell coral as planet Mercury rules your zodiac sign. Focus on numbers 3,8, and letters P, T, and N for luck.


Connect with those who make you happy

Today you should commit yourself only to the people who lift you up. Cut out anyone who may look for ways to diminish your confidence or power. Some of you may encounter some red flags that can help you acknowledge who is and is not looking out for your best interest. Your zodiac sign is ruled by planet Venus, hence wear mangano calcite colour and choose numbers 2,7 and letters R, T for support in your upcoming endeavours.


Love connections

Today’s planetary position might bring some development in the field of love and romance. While some others might receive spiritual blessings, helping them believe in their highest potential while understanding what path they must take to get there. Your zodiac sign is ruled by planet Mars which is in transit, hence wearing the colour crimson will be lucky for you. Numbers 1, 8, and the letters N and Y will bring you support.


Imposter Syndrome

Some of you may suffer from a bit of imposter syndrome. Others might be surrounded by intimidating people or situations this Friday. However, try to remember that you are exactly where you need to be, and be sure to give yourself a little encouragement if you could use one. Your zodiac sign is ruled by planet Jupiter hence your lucky colour this Friday is jade green. For Friday letters B, D, and P, and numbers 9, 12, will bring you luck.


Issues in love life

There might be some disagreement or argument with your partner for those of you who are in a relationship. Do not feel guilty if you need to take some space for yourself, but give your partner a heads up that you plan on laying low for a while. Indulge in hobbies or activities that make you feel calm. Your lucky colour for the day is cinnamon-brown as planet Saturn rules your zodiac sign, while numbers 10, 11, and letters K, J will bring you a fortune.


Do not procrastinate

Today you need to remember one thing and that is to complete your tasks for the day. Friday’s vibes might distract most of you to indulge in some lazy activities that would affect you later in the week. Instead of looking for a distraction, try to identify why you are so unmotivated to handle your work. You may also want to head outside for a quick walk and some fresh air for clarity. Choose the colour cinnamon red since Saturn rules your zodiac sign. Numbers 10, 11, and letters G and S will bring you luck this Friday.


Keep an eye on your budget

Some of you may be tempted to spend quite an amount on a shopping spree this Friday. Remember that distracting yourself from real life will not help you escape any issues you are struggling with. This Friday your words can open doors to the universe, hence making it essential to ask for what you want. Your zodiac sign Pisces, is ruled by planet Neptune and the colour honeysuckle pink will suit you. Go for numbers 9, 12, and letters D, C, J, and T will be your guide on Friday.

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